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The Cast

Dizzee has spent many long hours in contemplation
and has come to the conclusion that there is no purpose
to life and the universe is essentially meaningless.
Therefore we must create our own purpose and explore
the infinite possibilty of life. Our entire exsistance is a gift
and we should enjoy every moment. She believes that
we should aim to experience pleasure, joy, and beauty
and to spread it to everyone else whenever we can.
If she were a Star Trek character she would be Captain Kirk
because she believes pleasure is the highest good.






Topz has spent many long hours in contemplation
and has come to the conclusion that there is no purpose
to life and the universe is essentially meaningless.
Therefore we must rely on logic and rational thought
to guide us to purpose and ensure a reasonable use
of the infinite possibilties of life. Our entire exsistance
is statistically improbable and we should value every
moment. He believes that we should aim to pursue
knowledge, an understanding of the universe and
a logic based social structure that would ensure maximum
benifit for the greatest number. If he were a Star Trek
character he would be Mr. Spock because he believes
logic is the highest good.







Imoe has spent many long hours in contemplation
and has come to the conclusion that there is no purpose
to life and the universe is essentially meaningless.
Therefore it doesn't really matter what we do or
how we live because in the end we are all only delaying
the inevitable end to the seemingly infinte misery of life.
Our entire exsistance is a cosmic joke and we should
accept it and stop trying to find purpose in the abyss.
He believes that we should attempt to get any small
pleasure we can out of life and try not to ruin the entire
planet before we find a quiet way to die. If he were a
Star Trek character he would be a red shirt because
he believes that in the grand scheme of things we are all
just insignificant insects waiting to be picked off.